Top of the Line Gear

Not all playbacks are created equal.
We have multiple machines of each format. If we are not satisfied with the playback from one machine,
we will play your priceless tape(s) in others – in order to achieve the best possible video file. We are
always working for that one most perfect playback for capture.

Digital Betacam, BetcamSP & Betacam
-We use Sony DVW A-500 Digital Betacam machines to transfer our BetaSP tapes & Digital Betacam
-Video & Audio Playback Noise Reduction on these decks is superior to any BetacamSP tape deck.
-In addition to having the advantage of built in Time Base Correctors; these machines have 4 Channels of
(audio) playback. (Cheaper machines may only have 2 channels, thus causing the potential of not
digitizing channels 3&4 from a tape master).
-They also have adjustable audio output levels. This allows the technician to make a low noise transfer.
(Cheaper machines have “auto” output levels making for a noisier digital file.).
-Digital Betacam machines have a higher dynamic video response than BetaSP machines. Meaning more
information from the video is being garnered from the tape. Less video noise, better color, sharper
picture etc.

¾” Umatic
-We use Sony BVU-950 SP machines (SP stands for Superior Performance) for ¾” Umatic Playback.
In addition to the advantage of having built-in TBCs; there are three benefits to these decks:
-They have a skew knob. It allows the operator to adjust the tightness of the tape. This is
important when working with old tapes. (Cheaper machines don’t have it and the video can “roll” if the
tightness cannot be adjusted).
-They have adjustable audio output levels. So when setting audio output levels we saturate the
meters with audio thus, reducing noise on the video file. Cheaper machines have “auto” output levels.
This makes the audio noisier because whatever bandwidth is not taken up by audio gets filled up with
-Again- the 900 series, have better video dynamic response than cheaper machines. Cheaper
models can cause “video ghosting”. We don’t get that with our machines. We get solid Video and Audio
playback. We have had to re-do tapes for some of our clients because of this phenomenon perpetrated
by other vendors.

-Each ¾” Umatic tape is “baked”; to get the moisture out before playback.
Digital Revolution has been baking tapes everyday for over 10 years. No harm will come to the tape
when done professionally.
If a 3/4" Umatic tape is not baked, it could get:
-Stuck in the machine
-Be the victim of “Sticky Shed Syndrome”
-Playback unevenly due to the tape slowing down at certain points because of sticking.

*Note: ¾” Umatic SP tapes do not need baking. Evaporated Metal Based Tapes are NOT to be baked.

-SP Stands for Superior Performance
-Digital Betacam, BetacamSP, BetaSX, D2, D3, D5, Hi8mm, S-VHS, MiniDV, Micro DV, HD MiniDV, Super
Betamax, DV Cam, DVC Pro, HD Cam, HD CamSR are all in the Evaporated Metal based tape family.


1” Open Reel VTR

We have an Ampex VPR 3 with a Zeus Time Base Corrector
-A marvel of American engineering, this is the cream of the crop of 1” open reel tape machines. ($85,000
unit in it heyday-1980’s)
Provides Superlative playback of 1” master video tapes.

We use Panasonic S-VHS Professional Editing Decks
In addition to the advantage of having built-in TBCs; there are three benefits to these decks:
-They have a skew knob. It allows the operator to adjust the tightness of the tape. This is
important when working with old tapes. (Cheaper machines don’t have it and the video can “roll” if the
tightness cannot be adjusted).
-They have adjustable audio output levels. So when setting audio output levels we saturate the
meters with audio thus, reducing noise on the video file. Cheaper machines have “auto” output levels.
This makes the audio noisier because whatever bandwidth is not taken up by audio gets filled up with

Superior UP Scaling Quality
AJA-Black Magic Teranex processing Makes for a
significantly higher resolution video file than the source’s native resolution or software up converting.
We Upconvert tapes & files for PBS Documentaries, TV shows, Concerts, Animation, Broadcast Sports
Programming and Entire Corporate/University Collections. Teranex also has an excellent drop-out
compensator. This processing makes your video file look much better than the original video. We can UP
RES your video from an existing video file or tape

Makes for a more solid much improved video file:
-Increases the density of the video
-De-interlacing-to a progressive scan video (gets rid of image diluting lines)
-Superior drop-out compensation .